General Discussions
Hello, and welcome to the Chesapeake Manor forum! We're happy to be able to provide this online space to chat with your neighbors, and in doing so, we ask that conversations remain civil and abide by the following rules.
1. No Spam/Advertising/Self-Promotion
Please do not utilize the forum as a means of advertising yourself, your business, or anyone else's business, unless it is in direct relation to a question being asked. For example, if a member has inquired on a reliable local plumber, and you feel you or someone you know may be able to fill that role, feel free to respond as such.
2. No Offensive/Illegal Content
Try to exercise good common sense in what you choose to post on the Chesapeake Manor forums. All residents have access to these forums and any posts that are considered offensive, defaming, or otherwise insensitive, may be removed (and users subsequently banned) at the moderators' discretion.
3. Do Not Post Any Personal Information
While this is a neighborhood forum, it is hosted online. As a means of protecting your privacy, please do not post any personal information on the message boards. This includes, but is not limited to, addresses, apartment numbers, phone numbers, credit card information, and license plate numbers.
4. Remain Civil
Discussions held within the Chesapeake Manor forum are intended to be constructive, conversational, and respectful. Any post that escalates into harassment or arguing will be removed and users may be banned at the moderators' discretion.
I look forward to seeing you all on the forums, and hope you enjoy! Thank you!